Discovering Yoga
and finding peace in my own skin

My first week in rehab was a whirlwind. Therapists, counselors, group therapy, alumni reunion, and so much more I am sure I forgot in the overwhelming haze of it all. In addition to all of the traditional therapeutic components of treatment, there were several experiential activities made available to the clientele. There was an equine program, ropes course, art classes and more.
All of these programs served their purpose and were an invaluable part of the program but, one of them made an impact that profoundly altered the course of my life.
I still remember walking the long hall to the gymnasium for my first yoga class. I don’t remember anything about the teacher in particular. I remember mostly my arms and legs shaking in particular postures. I remember wondering how she could be doing the same form as me while speaking in such a calm, clear manner.
Mostly though, I remember coming into “legs up the wall pose”. I remember as I sat there with my legs straight up in the air against the wall, hearing a faint voice in the back of my mind tell me that the hardest part was behind me. The voice told me I could relax.
And I did. For the first time in two decades, I relaxed. One hand came to my belly and felt the rising and falling choreographed with my breath. The other hand rested on my heart and felt it settle into a soothing rhythm. The rhythm of my own body lulled my mind into a calm that I have since learned is found only in the present moment.
In that moment, I found yoga. I found my freedom- that sacred space between the stimulus and response. I found peace in my own skin and knew I was home.
Every Wednesday at 7:30pm at Full Circle Yoga and Therapy, my friend Jenn Roney and I offer a Yoga for 12 Step Recovery Meeting. It is open to all who suffer from addiction and those that are affected by the addiction of others. It is and will always be a donation-based offering. No prior yoga experience is needed to join.
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